Brain at Work
How does your Brain respond at work?
A great question: both to try and figure yourself out, and also all the other folks you need to interact with each and every day.
I’m a great believer in “Once you can name it; you can tame it!” In my opinion, your brain is the biggest ‘thing’ you need to tame!
David Rock’s book ‘Your Brain at Work’ highlights how important it is to understand our brain’s interest level while performing certain tasks. If the brain is engaged, then the ‘less effort and higher reward’ concept kicks in. Understanding what these ‘interest areas’ are, can help you prioritize your daily work and optimize activities.
Another concept that helps one understand how the brain works is the SCARF model (Status Certainty Autonomy Relatedness Fairness). These are the five domain of human social experience and they can help you in understanding how you like to operate.
Status is about yours or others relative importance to others. Certainty concerns being able to predict the future. Autonomy provides a sense of control over events. Relatedness is a sense of safety when interacting with others (i.e. friend or foe). And Fairness is about the perception of fair exchanges between people.
As David Rock says: ‘These five factors either drive the primary ‘reward’ or the primary ‘threat’ circuitry in the brain. And can lead to our very own positive or negative behaviors.
You can take your own free SCARF assessment. This allows you to see which of the factors drive your own behaviors the most. With this information you know where to focus, in order to improve the quality of your daily interactions, such as regulating your emotions and communicating more effectively with others. Click the link below to take the assessment:
Source by Neuro Leadership Institute